EDC Board 2021 Profile
We would like to proudly introduce you to our board of committee 2021. Chosen through a very thorough consideration and election, we truly hope we can be part of EDC Board 2021 which are able to bring EDC to its glory. Together, we will work for better EDC for the whole year ahead.
Aini Nabila Ikhwanudin, President of EDC 2021
"The criteria for presidents are commonly known but not common to actually being able to run them."
The president is the one who navigates and makes sure the organization can achieve its goals, objectives, and vision. The president informs and reminds its members of their responsibility, guides each division, updates the EDC development to our publics, such as external public (rectorate, general society) or internal public (members, alumni).
My future hopes for our EDC in the future, of course, to minimize and avoid miscommunication between divisions and members and for EDC members to be mutually responsive and supportive to each other. Also I hope for more orderly financial matters and correspondence. Do not forget to increase relationships with other EDs and other SMEs on campus. Of course this hope is not just a wish in wishful thinking, now, my team and I will do our best to fulfill that hope for a brighter edc.
Risky Amalia Marhariyadi, Training Division of EDC Untirta 2021
"Training Division is the one who understands and supervises the implementation of the curriculum that has been made, diligently monitors and is knowledgeable of the members’ debating skills development."
I also have several job descriptions, such as creating a curriculum for practices and even making adjustments when needed, setting goals for each competition and finding ways to achieve those, maintaining members performance and coaches deployment. This division has a vision that is to make great debaters and make more achievements for EDC, with the mission of providing practice for all members, setting the goals, providing intensive practice before the competition is held, and monitoring the abilities of the members.
Training division hopes for more competition that we can win, and for all other divisions also to be able to carry out their duties properly and carry out their duties with enthusiasm at EDC because after all cooperation is important.
Dianisha Syahputri, General Secretary and Public Relation Division of EDC Untirta 2021
First, "I think for the general secretary, we need to be a discipline, well organized, and detail oriented person as well”.
The general secretary has a job description for correspondence, ToR and accountability reports, digitization of documents and databases.
Have a goal to make EDC as a more organized organization in the future, to be able to collect old data to current data, and to digitize all data since it is very important to run our organization and to make it easier to be accessed.
With a mission that goes according to the goal, such as creating the system of arranging, collecting and organizing all data to our digital database, and working together with other divisions also to work as efficiently and as maximally as possible.
Second, "for the Public Relation division, you need to be good at communication, flexible, easy going, available most of the time, update with current trend and information, actively looking for necessary information, able to manage a good relation with all stakeholders internally and externally.”
Have several job desc such as planning and in charge of social media content, representing EDC in events, developing cooperation of internal and external public of EDC.
Have a goal to develop a better and more active division, maximize the job descriptions of the division, and establish better communication, another goal is to arrange EDC's social media better, and creating good and informative content of it.
And hope that the public relation division’s communication will run successfully, could backing up each other therefore our work will be more effective and efficient to bring EDC to the glory.
Eko Dimas Setyo, Second Secretary of EDC Untirta 2021
"Thorough, up to date, and credible”
Have job descriptions such as secure information by managing databases; provide historical references by utilizing the submission and return system; and prepare, create and compile reports.
Have a goal to helping the EDC president in carrying out his program, strengthening discipline of the board and members, and developing event activities to be of higher quality
With the mission, pay attention and give criticism about the discipline of the management to achieve better quality cadres; carry out the administration and bureaucracy as well as possible; and provide sources of information and input on what is trending for company leaders.
That way, I hope we can create administrators who are more specific, disciplined, and responsible.
Aulia Hanesti Parahita, General Treasurer of EDC Untirta 2021
"Smart in managing finances, not procrastinating, thorough, and disciplined"
Treasurer has several tasks such as managing EDC finances, helping the president make decisions about activities to be carried out, especially regarding finance, making a Term of Reference (TOR) before activities are carried out, making accountability reports after activities, and making internal annual accountability reports of EDC.
The EDC General Treasurer has a vision for the realization of stable EDC finance.
With the mission cash flow is recorded properly, works on accountability reports for each activity, divides finances for internal activities and competitions properly.
With the hope that EDC finances are stable and regular, it is not too late to submit an Accountability Report to the campus, and the funds released from campus can run smoothly.
Susianti, Second Treasurer of EDC Untirta 2021
“Disciplined, diligent, patient and less complaining, and ambitious.”
Have several jobdesc such as making cost plans for all events and competitions, making ToR and accountability reports for every event and race, keep records of finance which in and out, manage finances.
Have a goal to get more funds, either from campus or from outside the campus such as by creating profitable projects or events.
With the mission to make accountability reports on time, submitting all events and competitions to the rectorate.
Have high hopes that the Treasurer in EDC can better manage the existing funds, plan for any funds that will be used or needed and be more diligent.
Ainina Nurafifa, Competition Division of EDC Untirta 2021
“Interactive, communicative, solutive, and discipline”
Have several jobdesc such as looking for competitions information and being responsible for organizing the internal competition.
Have a goal to making EDC members participate in various competitions with the mission of trying to keep updated about the competitions information and provide necessities for the internal competition.
We have hope that EDC will give birth to competitive and competent debaters, specifically I hope that every intercomp event will be carried out well.
Balqis Kazama Kinari, Member of Public Relation Division EDC 2021
Have several jobdesc such as writing article, caption writing and helping the coordinator.
For EDC and my division, public relation, I hope the relations between members within the EDC public relation division and also outside the division can be better and stronger. with the mission to carry out division tasks: always discipline to do my task, can be better at handling jobdesc and always improve.
As a member, I hope EDC can be more advanced in the future, hope that there will be a lot of competitions by EDC soon, and hope I can bring EDC to be the champion in national and internationa with the mission.
Fatimatuz Zahro N. I., Member of EDC 2021
For EDC, I hope EDC will be a better and more known organization. Here, in EDC, I have a goal to win a competition.
Writer: Nazhela Aulia
Editor: Alisatul Aini
Visual: Nazhela Aulia and Balqis Kazama Kinari
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