EDC 2022 : Establishing Conformity Through the Bonding of EDC Board 2022
What is Bonding?
As we know that ideally in an organization, teamwork and internal cohesiveness have become basic needs in carrying out all activities related to the organization. Because of course every element in the organization is required to be able to work together in realizing the ideals or main goals of the organization. In conclusion, that is the point that the 2022 EDC Board wants to achieve.
EDC Untirta Carry Out Bonding Session
On Sunday (26/3/2022), the members of EDC 2022 decided to do the gathering at Kopi Jelita which is located at Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 101, Serang City. This gathering has the aimed to build a better organizational bonding towards each other members of EDC 2022. This Bonding activity is the first agenda of the EDC board executive 2022.
This Bonding activity aims to sticking out every element of the members. So that the bonding could be established in carrying out the EDC board executive 2022 vision and mission this year. It can be said that the initial cabinet bonding is a new program launched by the EDC board executive 2022.
Reflecting from the previous board, according to Ghaniyyah Nauli (President of EDC 2022) she said that bonding is very important in supporting the flow of the cabinet. Because indirectly the members will certainly be more familiar to each other so that it encourages the process of cooperation and communication for the next 1 year.
How does the Bonding Activity Work?
The Bonding activity was started with the introduction of the president, secretary, and treasurer along with the presentation of the program that will be carried out for the next one year. Then the next agenda is the presentation of the program in each division about the job descriptions for members. And it certainly explained clearly by the head of each division.
With this activity, all members are also expected to get to know each other better with all colleagues in the division or between divisions. So that later we can establish a common vision and mission, and thus the program will run well and efficiently.
Writer: Ghina Raudhlatul J
Editor: Dianisha Syahputri & Ghina Raudhlatul J
Images: Credit to all EDC's member
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