#GetToKnow Siti Fatimah - About Dreams and Privilege


#GetToKnow Siti Fatimah - About Dreams and Privilege

    Hi everyone, EDC's #GetToKnow article series is coming back! After our first alumnus article about Rezza, talking about "A Hard Work that Pays Off ", now we're going to bring to you a new inspiring figure who is as amazing as the previous one that will surely give you a lot of motivations, drives, and drills to achieve your dreams and goals despite any limitations that might come into your way. Let’s read through and get inspired!

Who is She

First, let's get to know a little bit about her. Siti Fatimah or Syifa is one of our extraordinary alumni who was born in Jakarta on 10th of August 1993. She was admitted on English Education program at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in 2011. In 2014, Syifa was also elected as the president of EDC and successfully did her role for the whole year. She currently works as an English and programming teacher after her previous work experience working in the agriculture field. 

Now Let’s Talk About Dream

There are so many definitions for the word "Dream." 

It has a huge spectrum that even different people have their own definition about it. Dream that we're going to talk about is not the dream we have when we sleep, but it is something you truly want to achieve in your life. 

"Big dream is the dream that you could set and achieve without comparing it with other people's. It is the dream that puts you out of your comfort zone." 

That was what Syifa told us when we asked about what a big dream actually meant for her.

When she was younger, Syifa also had something in her mind: to be able to visit a snowy mountain and see the snow fall down right before her eyes. Guess what? She made it happen! She managed to be qualified for a working holiday visa program from the collaboration between Australian and Indonesian governments where she could work while having a vacation at the same time in Australia. This experience, she said, gave her a lot of precious lessons. 

First, She learned that we have to be grateful. She was a very ambitious person where everything should be perfect but then her big dream totally changed her mind. Second thing she learned, that most of the people in Australia are actually so friendly and caring. Maybe we just think that Indonesian people are the most friendly and caring ones but actually Australians are also genuinely good-hearted. Third, she learned a new culture there, learned to depend on herself, and how to make the right decision. Speaking of decision-making, for Syifa, all the skills that she got from EDC is so beneficial to help her make decisions in her life.

Dream and Privilege


Most of us think this really impacts the success of a person.

The bigger your privilege the easiest you could achieve your goal.

That is not wrong. We all need to accept and admit that privilege exists and it’s somehow important and plays a big role in chasing our goals and dreams.

But it is always up to us whether we give up by blaming the privileges we don't have, or accepting our condition and limitations by giving our best to achieve our dream? Syifa chose the latter. 

Syifa believes that privilege does not always have a big role in achieving our dreams and goals, it gives impact and it may be important but still, everything depends on ourselves. For example, when you come from a prosperous family, it may be easy for you to get a higher education rather than other people that have less than you. But when you already have those privileges but you cannot use them wisely, It becomes nothing. 


Tackling All The Limitations

Is it easy to chase our dream and make it real?

It could be yes or no, it would be so challenging, but it needs a lot of effort, time, and sacrifices. There might be so many obstacles and stumbling blocks. Syifa also wasn't free from limitations back then.


Financial problems, for instance. Most of us are probably battling with it. Syifa had to deal with it too when she was younger. She tried to always save at least 40% of money from her monthly salary each time, scrimping with all she had to survive. She even tried to find another job to sufficiently pay her bills. 

Working in Australia, she also struggled with homesickness. Before the program started, she had to deal with her parents' approval. The competition to get a place in that program was also no joke. Syifa believes that we can always find a way out, we have our own back, we can always motivate ourselves. But hard and tough days are inevitable. When it happens, Syifa stated that sometimes sharing everything to the closest one and the people we love is important. When we have a breakdown, external support is needed. It's okay to tell them that you're not okay, and sometimes their existence plays a big role to help us face all the problems we have. 

Words to be remembered from Syifa

   "Do not think that you're not getting a privilege, everyone who is born has always been given a privilege."

Cherish and appreciate everything you already have.

Use it as best as we can, that's how we gotta do to achieve our dream even with some limitation or obstacle we might have, you could always get through it if you have belief, effort, and willingness. Syifa suggests us to not compare ourselves or our life with others’. It is important to compare when it comes to building a better self, but when it causes negativity to you please stop it right now, because everyone's timeline is different.

Always be positive. If everyone else could do and get what they want, why don’t we? We all get the same 24 hours a day. Everything is possible. But if you have already done exactly the hardest effort you could do, everything you need to, but you still can't get what you want, that;s completely fine. Maybe because it's not the time for it to happen. It doesn't mean that we are not good enough. It just means that we gotta try a little bit more and wait for the right time.


All EDC members would like to show our special gratitude to kak Syifa for making time to share this wonderful and insightful story! We look forward to having more conversations in the future.

Writer: Dianisha Syahputri

Editor: Alisatul Aini

Images: Credit to @syifa_fati on instagram


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