Internal Competition EDC Untirta 2021

Internal Competition EDC Untirta 2021

On Saturday, 1st May 2021 English Debate Community (EDC) Untirta have an event the 2021 “Internal Competition” in the SMKN 2 Kota Serang, Banten–the internal competition is Internal Selection in English Debate Community (EDC) aim to find candidates that can represent in any national debate competition such like ALSA UI and NOVED from debaters member’s EDC Untirta. For the information, ALSA UI English Competition is an annual English debating tournament in Indonesia that uses the 3 on 3 Asian Style debating format and NOVED (Nusantara Overland Varsity English Debate) 2021 previously known as JOVED (Java Overland Varsity English Debate) is an annual classic debate tournament that uses British parliamentary system.

This’s year cash prizes offered for the two winners have a total value of IDR 500.000,00 IDR 250.000,00 goes to the best speaker and IDR 250.000,00 goes to best speaker newbies. Here is the motion for Intercomp:

Round 1:

This house believes that developing countries should privatize their State Owned Enterprises (such as airlines, railway utility companies).

Round 2:

THR the narrative that “woman can have it all” (career, children, house)

Ronde 3 (Finale):

THW stop eat meat

From the selection process above, it was found that the winning team would later become the EDC delegation at the future competition event, as for the team including:

Team one consisting of Susianti and Ghany as representatives for the NOVED competition

Team two consisting of Aini, Kiki, and Ainina as representatives for the ALSA UI competition


In addition, as EDC President Aini Nabila gave a message and the impression was that the Intercomp was running smoothly and well even though the participants did not reach 12 people because the core adju and adju divided the team well. The team division was interesting because in the second half there was one alumnus in one team who helped us to develop arguments, even though the classrooms did not match expectations but thankfully the Intercomp continued smoothly.


The strategies prepared by the Training Division to face the competition include:

1. By continuing to hold intensive practice at least two months before the competition takes place. Which is held every Monday - Friday.

2. By giving additional assignments related to issues that often arise in debate. For example: write an essay on what they know is biased in the context of the economy, social movements, or politics.

3. By inviting another coach to teach. Either from senior EDC or from outside EDC. This is intended to gain new insights that may be beneficial to apply.

4. At every intensive meeting, they must provide feedback regarding the shortcomings were and what they want to improve in the debate to the coaches.

5. always pay attention to the progress of the race delegation so that the desired target can be achieved.

Writer: Khotimah Esti

Editor: Alisatul Aini

Images: Credit to all EDC's member




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